Content-driven design

Creating communication

We help brands during live-communication to reach the target groups of marketing and PR and speak with one voice at the same time.

Whatever we’re looking at – may it be historical and contemporary architecture or modern-day VR installations, fascinating themed exhibitions or successful product presentations, entertaining press conferences or relevant social media posts…

It all comes down to the experience.

Events, experiential marketing, exhibitions and interior design need to stimulate the senses, create awareness and make the audience receptive to communication: visitors will be captivated by the staging and orchestration and guided to the point where enthusiasm and understanding of the content become one – a point where communicative purpose and perception are aligned. This experience conveys attitudes and positions, generates credibility and identity, defines opinions and behaviour.

Experience influences how we think and act.

Loud and soft, big and small, light and dark: there is no single way, no single method – it is all about authenticity and credibility. And relevance. These characteristics ensure output in digital and analog chats as well as on all media channels. Genres are in flux: augmented and virtual reality have created new spatial dimensions, and thanks to social media there are new forms of Instagrammable spatial effects and storytelling.

Blue Scope’s work process starts with communication (what is the essence of the message?) and culminates in the experience (what will be the visitors’ take away?).

Creating communication through
content-driven design.

We are Bluescope. Contact us.


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